They may not always like the amount of press coverage given to their hair but certain celebrities have an iconic image. Even if they change the image, the original one tends to follow them around. The following people are all talented in their own way. But back to the hair.
10. Mick Hucknall

The lead singer of Simply Red is the poster boy for curly red hair. He used to wear it longer and sometimes tied it back. It’s shorter now but the striking color is still there. It never did him any harm and the band enjoyed numerous hit records, such as ‘Money’s Too Tight to Mention’, ‘Holding Back the Years’, ‘If You Don’t Know Me By Now’, and ‘Fairground’. Hucknall has said that he considers name-calling people with ginger hair to be racism.
9. Brian May

The lead guitarist was largely responsible for Queen’s distinctive sound. He also wrote some of the well known Queen songs. May’s unusual resume also includes his contribution to the study of astrophysics. He has said that comments on his hair ‘irritate’ him. Hair fashions will come and go but May is comfortable with his long perm, which hasn’t changed since Queen’s early days.
8. Diana Ross

The singing diva has had a remarkable and long career, as lead vocalist with the Tamla Motown group, The Supremes and as a solo artist. She also ventured into movies, receiving critical acclaim for her portrayal of Billie Holiday in ‘Lady Sings the Blues’. There are tips on the internet on how to achieve the big hair, so associated with her. You can even buy a ‘Diana Ross Wig’. It would seem that the hair is getting bigger and bigger and doorways may have to be widened to accommodate it.
7. Amy Winehouse

The singer and songwriter receives as much attention for her eating disorders, alcohol and drug addiction problems, as she does for her jazz infused R&B records. Her 2006 album, ‘Back to Black’ won five Grammy Awards, a record win for a British artist. Her singing style is much admired on tracks, such as ‘Rehab’ and ‘You Know I’m No Good’. She is almost always to be seen, sporting her beehive, and fashion commentators predict a resurgence of the style amongst the general public.
6. Conan O’Brien

O’Brien has worn many hats over the years but is best known for his hosting of the ‘Late Night with Conan O’Brien’ talk show. He has been announced as the replacement for ‘The Tonight Show’ from June 2009, following Jay Leno’s departure. O’Brien’s talents also include comedy writing, stand-up routines and producing. The familiar hairstyle is a combination of a ‘pompadour’ and a kind of comb over.
5. Donald Trump

Famous for his buildings in Manhattan and around the world, the business tycoon and real estate developer bounced back from financial problems in the 1990s. His companies run casinos and hotels and he is constantly looking to expand his empire. His attempt to build a golf resort in a beautiful part of Scotland has proved controversial with local people and environmental organizations. There were photographs of him in the British newspapers of his visit to Scotland, which depicted his comb over hair battling with the gale that was blowing. This seemed to counter the theory that it’s a toupee. There have been suggestions that the hair is the result of a bad hair transplant.
4. Jennifer Aniston

The former ‘Friends’ star has made a successful film career in comedic and dramatic roles, as in ‘Picture Perfect’, ‘Along Came Polly’, ‘The Good Girl’ and ‘Marley & Me’. When she played Rachel Green, her layered and stylish hair became known as ‘The Rachel’. Women all over the globe walked into their local hair salon and demanded ‘The Rachel’. Aniston has gone through many different hairstyles since but that is the one that sticks in people’s minds. She became a bit annoyed that there were more column inches given to this phenomenon than to her acting roles.
3. Shirley Temple

The child actress sang and tap-danced her way through the 1930s, following her breakthrough appearance in ‘Bright Eyes’ when she was six years of age. Other movies included ‘The Little Colonel’ and ‘Wee Willie Winkie’. She starred alongside the top Hollywood performers of the day. Temple went to dancing classes when she was aged three and was destined for the limelight. Her cutesy blonde curls framed a pretty face, melting the hearts of an audience struggling with the Depression. It was someone’s job on the set to make sure her 56 ringlets were in pristine condition for each scene. Later, Temple left Hollywood behind to become a US Ambassador.
2. Don King

Instantly recognizable with his teased up hair, Don King is usually grinning. He is the most famous boxing promoter in the world and was responsible for historic fights, including the ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ (George Foreman v Muhammad Ali) and the ‘Thrilla in Manila’ (Muhammad Ali v Joe Frazier). He has also promoted Larry Holmes, Mike Tyson, and Evander Holyfield. His personal life and career has been controversial with a prison sentence, lawsuits and various investigations into his affairs. He has said, when asked in interviews, that his hair is the result of hair spray and combing.
1. Carmen Miranda

The ‘Brazilian Bombshell’, as she was known, brought color and gaiety to the 1940s and 1950s with her tropical fruit headdresses. Ok, this isn’t hair but her regular adornment defined a certain kind of Broadway and Tinseltown glamor. She popularized the Samba and flamboyant costumes in films, such as ‘That Night in Rio’, ‘Week-end in Havana’, and ‘The Gang’s All Here’. Carmen Miranda Square in Hollywood pays tribute to her.